July – Aug 2016. So who’s in charge here?

July – Aug 2016.  So who’s in charge here?


There's loads to discover in Loubar, as Finn finds out.
There’s loads to discover in Loubar, as Finn finds out.

As with so much in Morocco, one of the trials of developing  Farm Finn, is the inevitable unknown. Of Course I’ve no idea yet if I’m going to get planning permission, though I’m told to be able to expect this….though of course I’m also told that I shouldn’t even be able to own the land….but that that should no longer be a problem….and that there is a process which will ensure that all this ends in smiles not tears…but of course its never been tested…especially on a foreigner…


Things to do when it’s hot, hot, hot

Equally, any work on the farm has had to wait for both Ramadan and Eid to end. No one was interested in 2-things-to-do-when-its-hot-hot-hotworking during these periods, especially in the heat, which is different from previous years, but very understandable. However as such I’ve had to wait to begin working….which is again, frustrating.

Rocking on Farm Finn

As I’ve said, not being able to build the house o3-rocking-on-farm-finnn the farm, has had it’s own benefits, forcing me to look at the land far earlier than I had thought and we have slow progress. It’s meant that I’ve had to buy an enormous amount of rocks for the terracing, but the terracing is essential, to better use the land, which is great.

Finn Takes a temporary piste in his stride

Finn takes driving off piste in his stride
Finn takes driving off piste in his stride

But this has also meant ongoing negotiations with neighbours about passing a temporary piste through their land. Normally I do this after the kif harvest, but this year, with their being so much less kif planted, I was able to do this earlier and as such I’ve been storing materials for any possibility.

It's not always easy in Loubar....neighbours man the barracades.
It’s not always easy in Loubar….neighbours man the barracades.

The neighbours are revolting

Everyone has been fine with this, apart from a rather peculiar family at the bottom of the hill. I’ve been advised that these are “complicated”…and so they are proving to be. Having accepted their Gower/coffee…sic payment off…they then preceded to turn up with more and more family members, needing more money…and then to barricade the piste.

And other circuitious routes

Going Down....but you should have seen Mohammeds face!
Going Down….but you should have seen Mohammeds face!

OK, it has to be said that in an area where most people are involved in an illegal activity…growing kif…my saying that I would now need to go to the police, had a significant effect…but its been a constant struggle to keep the route open and has required developing many other circuitous routes to the land.

Added to that, my architects seem to have gone out of business and are no longer taking phone calls….rather challenging given my need for their altered plans to move my building application along. This has also required a threat to start legal action before any movement on their side…..slowly….Did I suspect something about these guys at the outset?

Follow your gut!

Water issues are significant in Loubar
Water issues are significant in Loubar

Water issues are significant in Loubar

I’m not complaining about any of this. It is as it is…walking on an unknown path and having to keep the faith that you will eventually arrive at the destination…..but its frustrating, and at times, simply demoralizing. But the beat goes on and the more I discuss issues of water, local decision making and all most anything related to climate change or improved and planned adaptation, the more I see the potential value of this project.

Meeting New People in Loubar.

Meeting new people in Loubar
Meeting new people in Loubar

I’m also meeting a number of people involved with INGOs or EU/UN who will be good to ally with but first and foremost, I need to make progress with these permissions and hopefully before winter. I’ve decided to stop looking for work until absolutely necessary, this year.

Finn, at the centre of it all.
Finn, at the centre of it all.

It’s Finns last year living in Moroc and I want to try to establish Dar and Farm Finn before he leaves, thus hopefully giving me more time and income to be with him and allowing work abroad to act as a top up, not a sole genuine income. But it’ll be tight financially, noting I also need to buy a place in UK and, of course there’s lots to do at both Dar and farm Finn.

New Water reservoir.

Developing a new resevoir
Developing a new resevoir

But its good to have the land to focus upon here. The terracing is making progress and I’m starting to develop the area around the pool/reservoir. It should be beautiful and, if I get the maths and systems right, act as a means by which water can be used, for showers, then recycled through grease, gravel and sand filters before resourcing a pool and then being pumped up to the top of the land, to then water plants.

Good to see old mates
Good to see old mates

Old Mates Await.

This would be great….but I await Alex in Rabat, an old Red Cross colleague, who’s a water engineer, to advise for final decision making and planning.

In the mean time, I’m awaiting the arrival of Tori Suzuki, a perma culture planner from Marrakesh, who should be coming here to see how I can best organize the land. It’s exciting and of course a whole new learning curve. I’m hoping Wafi will be fully involved…he knows so much about the land and aspires to leave Kif as a way of living.

Set the Controls to the Heart of the Sun (Somebody…)

Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Set the controls for the heart of the sun

As with last year, I’m not quite sure how in control of it all I feel. I can’t really plan too much until I know more about the roxa and I will only be able to develop the land once its been terraced, we’ve our plan, its fenced off and I’ve been able to feed it…..after years of neglect, the land needs lots of TLC…..don’t we all!!!!!

Despite everything we are making progress
Despite everything we are making progress

But we are making progress. Stone Walling

To some degree this feels “organic” and evolving, one step at a time. It feels to be moving in the right direction …acknowledging how many fingers I’ve currently crossed….but there seems so much to learn and put in place; water, electricity, grey water, planting, composting etc systems….let alone with the house…..I feel amateur…I feel I should be doing so much more…and yet these are essential building blocks and need to be put in place.

But we are making progress. The Reservoir Now.

Spot the difference
Spot the difference

This could be a big year….I hope for the right reasons!