A stay at Farm Finn offers more than just a holiday — it opens travellers up to completely new opportunities and inspirations

What you can do

Shower less. Of course, we want you to enjoy your time with us and we love our shower rooms! However long showers use a lot of water. As such, please reduce water pressure and take less time in the shower than you might ordinarily at home. Alternatively, why not share that shower water with a friend?

Collect your shower water. Whilst all shower water goes into our reed bed system, in each bathroom we have included a container to collect any water run off as you await hot water to arrive from our solar water heating system. Please put these under your shower until the hot water arrives. They will then be used either for cleaning your rooms or given to the plants surrounding you.

Flush when necessary. We have reduced the amount of water in our toilet cisterns. However, flushing a couple of litres of good water each time you excise a few centilitres of pee-pee, is a real waste of this valuable resource. As such we would ask you to consider the following “rule” when deciding to flush your toilets:

“If it’s yellow, let it mellow.
If it’s brown, flush it down!”
Which is to say, “Only flush if you must”.

Reduce single use plastic. Plastic waste is a genuine problem throughout Morocco, but especially in the farms that surround the Talassemtane National Park. In Xaouen, you will be offered plastic bags for the smallest of purchases; buy, empty and buy anew bottles of water; sweet or cigarette wrappers are easily discarded, remaining where they fall or are blown for years until they end up as micro plastics in your food and eventually inside your gut.

It has taken us many years to clear our gardens of plastic, a task which continues daily. Please ensure that you put your plastic waste or cigarette butts in the containers provided and take our “Blah Meeka” (“without plastic”) Farm Finn re-useable shopping bags into town and back home with you. There are several places in Xaouen where you can refill your water bottles with spring water, please use these or fill up from our well before buying new bottles of water.

If you bring plastic on to the farm, we would very much appreciate that you take it with you when you leave.