June 2017. The Ladies in my life….

June 2017. The Ladies in my life….

The Habibies…. old and dear friends.

It’s now over 10 years since I packed up Red Habiby and drove her over filled with beds and fridge and cooker to camp in what is now Dar Finn. Obviously, as they say, the rest is history. But amongst all of it, the Habibies have been, for the most part, a god send. Camping on Zalagh I think literally saved my life during the build and the knowledge that I could leave for the bush at any point, did wonders for my mental health.

Can you owe a "thing" so much you want to thank them?
Can you owe a “thing” so much you want to thank them?

Then of course there has been all the lugging and transporting of all and everything. I think I can genuinely say I love the Habbies. This may sound odd, but nonetheless it’s true.

Dodgie ol geezers... not the same as my lovely ladies.
Dodgie ol geezers… not the same as my lovely ladies.

Something for the weekend sir?

However all good things come to an end and so too have the habibies…. Well sort of.

I’ve been trying to get them Morrocanised and had found a mechanic to do so. We’d spoken several times, agreed the price and the time, giving me enough time to take out an old frame and get back to Fez before leaving with Finn for the USA. It all seemed to be running only too well….. which of course it was!

The future is unwritten.

And so, days before we left for the States, and in the middle of Ramadan, the deal collapsed….. well, perhaps was suspended, but I was left looking for a new car and having to find a place for Green Habiby to stay for 6 months.

Absent Friends...Finn, Yahyaa and Habiby help to pack up base camp ready to begin again next year.
Absent Friends…Finn, Yahyaa and Habiby help to pack up base camp ready to begin again next year.

Having borrowed this old thing I went off around the country in search of a substitute and what I saw and the prices charged filled me with horror.

To say it’s a risk to buy a second hand car in Moroc is an understatement. For what would be scrap in uk, asking prices were 5 – 8,000 euros.

My heart sank.

And the clock ticked! Tic toc, tic toc.

Blind dates
Blind dates

Risk taking.

But fortune may have smiled upon me and I’m getting this little thing built in to “Habiby Steetu”. OK, there’s quite a big risk that I’m taking. There are promises that it will be done for my return, so there go those fingers again. But I trust Adil, the mechanic and with some luck and patience, there may be Habibies returning for both Fez and Loubar.

Watch this space, and keep those fingers crossed.

But away from a slipped clutch disk….

Figs trees are bearing fruit now
Figs trees are bearing fruit now

Back on the farm there’s lots going on as we move in to fig season. We’ll have two seasons of these beauties and I’m sorry that we’ll be away to enjoy these fruits, unlike these insects.

But I’ve plans for them dried, as breakfast in muelsi, or roasted with goats cheese and walnut salad, or made in to a fruity fig based alcohol…oh yes, lots to do still.

Promises, promises.

I left Xaouen hoping I’d secured the means to travel up and around Loubar with Adil’s smile and promises ringing in my ears and eyes. But of course these weren’t the only promises I’d received.

I finally managed to have a meeting with officials about my roxa. It seems that there had been questions asked as to the validity of my project. No camping, and poor access. Oh and of course, the size of the plot is too small.

Apparently it'll all be sorted by my return..... I believe you, honest!
Apparently it’ll all be sorted by my return….. I believe you, honest!

And yet all of these are not strictly true. But as any fan of Kafkha will know, the truth is difficult to get hold of at times. Nonetheless, I had assurances that by the time I get back, all will have been resolved and permission will have been given.

In the mean time I’ve left Mohammed and Hamid, my two old mwalems, to begin work on the lower entrance. Materials and labour are now left, and thus there’s so much to see what might happen when I return.

And we may have a final, definitive plan for the grey water scheme.

Smiles, tears, gritting of teeth…..all suggestions well received…..more space watching!