Sept – October 2016. Stormy weather and looming grey clouds.

Sept – October 2016. Stormy weather and looming grey clouds.

Winds blow down trees and our tent...
Winds blow down trees and our tent…

Winds blowing down trees in Loubar

In my last blog I mentioned how dependant everything was on the weather, especially as we move towards winter.

Well, we recently had the most incredible gales for several days. This saw several trees blown down as well as the tent ripped to shreds. At one point, I got to the land and was walking towards the camp, only to see the green table literally flying through the air.

Winds blew down the tent

Winds blew down the tent

This along with several other “odd” climatic events (drought, fierce rain storms, and now gales) feel a precursor to climate change.

Rains brought down walls.

Aside for the gales we’ve also had torrential rain which has brought

Water damage to new walls at Farm Finn
Water damage to new walls at Farm Finn

significant damage to the work we’ve already done. It’s also given me an opportunity to see the new flows of water on the land, given the amount of changes that have happened.

I’ve been reading a good book on lessons learnt re community adaptation  to Climate Change (Ed. J. Ensor, R Berger and S Huq) and am convinced this will be a major advocacy element of the project…’s also got me very much thinking about completing another masters and linking this to a professional move in to climate change.

Could a silver lining for ff be permie courses

Could a silver lining for FF be Permie Courses?

The refusal of the roxa has made me think further as to what opportunities might exist for farm Finn and I’m discussing with Julien and Catherine, linking our projects, having agro ecology/permy courses on the land, with groups staying at the farm….and thus Farm Finn becomes a learning centre….which was part of the original aim…actually this is really quite exciting…

Finn learns new skills at Eid
Finn learns new skills at Eid

Finn learns new skills at FF.

Obviously this has been the time of Eid and Finn was all excited at the prospect. Unfortunately we had a slight error in timing and he missed the cutting of the goats throat…..leading to him jumping up and down on his hat in fury.

Fortune smiled on us, if not the goat, when Ghally told me he’d be killing another goat the next day…much to Finn’s delight. Good to see him learning new skills too!

Frustrations made easier by the Main Man

Frustrations made easier by the main man
Frustrations made easier by the main man

Perhaps as you can imagine, the failure to get our roxa has been very frustrating, though of course work continues on the land.

I remain convinced at the opportunities this project offers, both in terms of financial but also social benefits. However I must admit the lack of movement on this front and the limitations of what I can do, without effective plans, WaSH and permaculture planting plans, has been frustrating.

Of course I still believe it will all go forward and the links with a “learning centre” and the opportunities that suggest in terms of a holistic social entrepreneurial project are very exciting…., but I can’t deny that this delay is really getting to me.

I even had a day of just being on the farm and wondering what the hell I am doing….am I just dreaming or will I actually get to realise a dream.

I think I just want to get the build finished…and income coming in. I want to see real progress. There are pieces in place, but I need to see these dots being joined up.